Women Workshop
At the University of Trakya, Deputy of TBMM Prof. Dr Mustafa Şentop and the President of Kadem Dr Saliha Okur Gümrükçüoğlu and with the participation of representatives of the diplomats of the Balkan states and major academic and civil figures conducted a panel discussion with the purpose ‘Women Workshop’ and ‘Turkeys in Balkans’. The man who presented this conferens was the Rector of Trakya University Prof. Dr Erhan Tabakoğlu and the Rector of Balkan International University Prof. Dr Mehmet Dursum Erden. Deputy of the Turkish Democratic Party of Kosovo and at the same time Deputy mayor of Parliament in Kosova Ms. Müferah Şinik, Member of the Constitutional Court Mrs. Murat Salih, Müfti of Montenegro and the member of the Women's platoform in West Trakya and the Director General of Minority Culture in West Trakya Dr. Pervin Hayrullah.
Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu stated that Balkan is not only an integral part of geography but Balkans have an important meaning for Turkey. Also, the Rector of the İnternational Balkan University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Dursun Erde stated that the University of Trakya hosted an important meeting with the KADEM Tekirdağ in Balkan. The first speech was from Deputy of the Turkish Democratic Party of Kosovo and Deputy Mayor of Parliament in Kosova Ms. Müferah Şinik who firstly thanked the guests who came from Kosovo and the Turkish who still live in Kosovo. She said that for the Kosovo it wasn’t so easy to come at nowdays especially when it was the Second World War. Şinik was very thankful for the Turkey because Turkey was the very first country which recognize Kosovo as an İndepedent state. Also, she said at the Kosovo parliament there are 120 deputies 40 of whom are women and this is a big movement. Her slogan is ‘Strong family Strong community’.
Regarding the Turks and their legal status in Macedonia spoke by the member of the Constitutional Court Salih Murat. He started by mentioning that the most beautiful and hardest days for the Ottoman Empire were lived in Balkan countries. Salih Murat said that was happy to be in the Trakya University. He also added that 80% of the massacres in Rumelia were happened to womens, but added that for this reason we have been gathered in Edirne to keep the promises.
Müfti of Montenegro Rifat Feyziç stated that Ottomans acted with honor and Balkan peoples were free to speak their language and to live in whatever religion they wanted. Ottoman Empire provided luxury of the life for each nation and he added that it was the most important indicator of a democratic management approach. Feyziç also added the population of Montenegro is almost 650.000 and 25% of it is made up from turkish who are fighting to avoid the removal of their lands that was made in 1878 at the Berlin Congress.
The member of the Women's platoform in West Trakya and the Director General of Minority Culture in West Trakya Dr. Pervin Hayrullah in collobaration with KADEM Tekirdağ stated that Women Workship it is a valuable activity that will encompass the entire Balkans and will have a profound impact. She also added during this seminar everyone will understand the importance of what we are doing today.
To this panel were given prize from Nilgün Tabakoğlu part of the Counsil Board of Women Workshop and from Zeynep Şentop Organisation Women and Democracy.
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This content was issued on 28.02.2019 and has been viewed for 1772 times.